bits of ham at christmas dinner

Both Saturday and Sunday I was tired; too tired. I also had that tight-muscled feeling. Both those things together usually mean I’m coming down with a cold. As a first response, I decided to see if a Sunday afternoon catnap might help. Not sure I was able to stave off any sickness, but it should felt good to take a nice long nap. I put the new Shins record on the iPod and drifted off while Sharaun watched Home Alone on TV and played with Keaton.

Speaking of Home Alone being on TV, “they” (the powers that be) sure are starting the Christmas stuff early this year. I went to Home Depot on Halloween day to pick up some last-minute needs and they had already taken down the Halloween stuff and were busily assembling the glut of Christmas lawn decorations and green extension cords. I can remember not being Christmas-marketed until after Thanksgiving, seems now that’s moved to after Halloween. When my kids grow up, they’ll start making their lists in August.

Speaking of Christmas, I’m all kinds of excited for Keaton to experience it for the first time. Although I realize there’ll be a limited amount of actual “experiencing” going on, at least that she’ll be able to remember, it doesn’t really matter because I’m also excited about us getting to experience Christmas with her. I’m excited to give her something to tear into on Christmas morning, excited to see her reaction to the Christmas tree, and excited to be back in Florida with friends and relatives to tell us how cute she is. I’m excited to dress her up in warm clothes (although not too warm, as Christmas in Florida is generally shorts and flip-flops weather), excited to feed her bits of ham at Christmas dinner… excited about all that.

Alas, my friends, I’d’ve liked to have followed up that Keaton-based paragraph with a link to a new gallery of her pictures – but I just didn’t get it done. I’m shooting once again for a Monday night posting this week. Oh, and I’ve also decided that this weekly posting thing will more than likely turn into a monthly one after I get to the 52nd week. I’ll try and keep it up for the entire first year, but after that it’s anyones guess. After all, I don’t want to back myself into a corner in terms of precedent when kid #2 comes.

Well, I guess that’s a lot of nothing for tonight – but it’s an entry. Goodnight.

Also written on this day...

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