wasting time

which of you gen-x'ers out there can spot this?
Late and light blogging today, as usual I wrote the entry last night, but didn’t get a chance to upload right away. My apologies to the blog-faithful (do they exist?). Holy crap I found a fun website last night. Check this out, it’s a sincere site that allows you to make custom “safety signs,” printable ones at that. Doesn’t look terribly fun right? But oh man is it. I played around with it for a while last night and created some signs. I made this one and this one and this one and this one and this one and, just in case, this one.

Pat sent me this link today, I got a chuckle from it. The Onion always comin’ correct with quality. I never thought of hiding my blog from the moms and/or pops, I think they pretty much know I’m a good lil’ kid now – and they probably pretty much know what a bad lil’ kid I was so long ago. Either way, they gonna find out.

Mercedez Benz is in Taiwan right now, but when he gets back we got a new load of concertin’ to do. We have the much-anticipated Death Cab / Nada Surf show, as well as the possible wildcard show from Broken Social Scene / The Stars. Should be a good week!

OK I’m spent. Brain frazzled, not in a writing mood. Enjoy the signs, enjoy the links, bash the article in the comments… whatever.

Dave out.

Also written on this day...

3 Replies to “wasting time”

  1. wow, on my pc – those signs came up with some strange letters/symbols in them. if i maximized the IE window they transformed into the right image tho. hopefully they work for you, if not – try maximizing.


  2. ok, the stupid pdf signs weren´t working. i saved them as jpg´s – but lost image qual on most. sorry for the pixels… but whatever. at least they make sense now.

  3. I dig the signs! I´m already thinking of all the great ways to screw with the warehouse guys at my work. Also, good job on the whole pharaohweb site! I am thoroughly enjoying myself as I visit the different links. (Especially the pictures) Say hi to your Mom and Pops for me. It was good to see them again, even if was only a photo.

    Keep up the good blog!


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