I, my friends, have made a liar of myself. A rank, foul, liar.
What have I done?
Also written on this day...
- right and crazy - 2019
- verdant billboards - 2006
Musing on the present. Reminiscing about the past. Posturing for the future.
I, my friends, have made a liar of myself. A rank, foul, liar.
What have I done?
Ah, sweet surrender. I knew the TV gods would get to ya. That’s why your post is so short, your laying on the couch watching the boob tube.
Dave – This is one of the soundest financial decisions you have ever made. Well done.
welcome to the 21st century, my friend…
Wow, I am impressed! Does Thanh know about this?
Not yet… but he’s welcome to come over crack a couple beers w/me so he can check it out 🙂