for five hours

Hi friends, happy Tuesday to ya.

The smoke around our burg is even thicker and heavier and nastier than yesterday.  The news says to keep the kids inside or their lungs might bleed.  OK, they didn’t say that – but it’s really bad out there.  The sunlight is all brown and orange and muted and hollow, and everything smells like a smoldering swamp.  We’re wreathed by fire, so say the headlines.  “Fire season,” apparently.  There’s actually a season for that, I guess.

Work was busy today.  Got a lot done, felt accomplished.  Even still, I found time to call and reserve wilderness permits for our planned John Muir Trail “redo” later this summer.  That’s right, in the face of the weather-forced failure Anthony and I had last year, we decided we wanted to have another go at finishing up what we missed last time  So, early in September Anthony and I, with the happy addition of Ben and Erik, will be setting out from our stopping point last time and finishing up the half-through hike.  The idea being that we can maybe complete the entire trail like this in pieces over time, maybe even finishing up in 2009.

Anyway, the acquisition of passes makes it all the more real to me, and I’m tremendously excited about spending five days on the trail hiking through the Sierra backcountry.  Not too long from now, I’ll be posting a detailed day-by-day itinerary similar to what I did last time around here, so those with more than a passing interest can checkout our intended route.  I’m just  elated that we’ve secured the trailhead and are now concrete in our plans.  It’s hard to think that it’s only a couple months off.  With luck, we’ll miss any early snows this time around.

You know, my job sometimes affords me the opportunity to listen to quite a bit of music.  And, on days when there are few meetings (it’s typically a rarity, but today was one such day), I can basically spend my time permanently be-headphoned while I write e-mails or draft PowerPoints or excel at Excel.  Today, I felt like I got to listen to a ton of music.  So, I decided to go back and take a peek at the iPod to see exactly what all had graced my ears.  And, turns out it was easy enough to copy/paste that list out of iTunes – so I decided I’d share it here (for whatever reason).  May I then present to you: What I heard, June 24, 2008:

Started out the day giving that new Wolf Parade album another spin before I switched to my typical random-listening use model.  Some good stuff in there, eh?

Not sure you’re as fast or accurate with figurin’ as I am, but see if you don’t sum that righthand column and get pert near five hours of listening.  Yeah?  Wow, that’s a lot of music for one day I’d say.  When I was in school, I used to dream of a job where I could listen to music all day as I worked.  And, looking at that list, it sure looks like my wish came true.  (Now, to just sit back and wait to meet Tiffany Amber Thiessen and win the lottery…)

Well, that’s about it for tonight.  I’m gonna try and get another set of pictures posted to Keaton’s gallery shortly here (I’m about a month behind).  Keep an eye out for that, OK?  OK.

Also written on this day...

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