Back from “date night” and Sharaun decided to read a bit, so I, as usual, turned to the soft glow of my laptop screen. Just thought I’d do some quick hits from south of the border.
Keaton’s pool floaty popped. She is still mourning.
People told me not to drink the water. I totally drink the water. Like, everyday I drink the water. No one can stop me now.
Tomorrow dawns day our sixth day in Mexico. Before I left, the ten day forecast for Playa Del Carmen showed rain and clouds every single day of our trip. So far, it hasn’t rained a drop.
The trip to the “off resort” beach today was by and large a bust. Lots of walking under the burning Mexican sun for something we had in our backyard at the resort. From now on we’re sticking to the beaches and pools right here where we’re staying (they’re better anyway…).
Sharaun and I went to some Mayan joint tonight for our date night, then strolled the shoplined streets down by the water. It was a great night out.
Spending all day in the water has done wonders for Keaton’s “socialization” to the stuff. She’s now much more outgoing when we’re swimming, even to the point of wanting to jump in from the deck (only when dad has his arms out to catch her, thankfully though). Back in Hawaii in October, she was still pretty skittish.
Well, that’s about all I’ve got.
Lastly, I’ve been trying not to spoil my post-vacation Keaton-gallery update, so ‘ll only post a couple quick pictures here. These, though, are a couple gems from the past couple days (see, she has more than that yellow bathing suit!).
Goodnight folks. Hasta whenever.
Also written on this day...
- let's hoist one - 2010
- getting out of a rut - 2007
- are you her dad? - 2004