gators got that ramma-jamma

Congrats to my alma mater, who won the National Championship last night. Too bad we couldn’t have done this while I was actually at the school – but it was great watching it happen nonetheless. A great end to a busy Monday, almost makes it feel like a weekend or something… with the beer and the pizza and the bare-breasted women. Yeah, got me feeling right-fine as of now. And yes I will have another sip, thanks for asking.

Keaton’s 1st birthday is coming up fast, just a little over a month away – and when I really get down to it and start thinking about what that means, it’s amazing to me. For one, the fact that a year’s gone by, not to mention just how much she’s grown in that time. I can honestly look back at pictures taken in those first few months and say that she’s actually grown, I can see how her facial features have become more defined, her eyes brighter and seemingly more understanding, and her head full of wispy blond hair. I love the fact that we’ve been able to watch her grow, but am also a little scared at how fast it all happened – and have this irrational fear she moves from one point to the next so fast that I’ll “miss” something and not be able to remember it later on. But, in the end, it was a great year and I’m super proud of the way Sharaun and I have adapted to parenthood. I know we’ve faced but a mite of the challenges to come, but, so far, I think we’ve done a damn fine job.

Today I finally got all three new Arcade Fire tracks on my iPod in a decent format, and I did my duty as a fanboy by literally listening to them most of the morning on repeat – one after the other until they were imprinted on my brain. I must say, with every listen my anticipation for this album grows. Add to that the outstanding “internet age” pre-release marketing the band is doing (the YouTube video, the call-the-album thing where the band actually answers the phone, the iTunes exclusives) – and the froth is forming at the corners of my mouth. With the release date now semi-confirmed as March 6th here in the US – I’m counting the days until the inevitable leak. I’ve decided that I’m certainly going to beat the street and grab the leak as soon as it’s up – but I’ve also decided to purchase the album via iTunes when it’s officially available. This way, I’ll feel a little less guilty about the illicit download – and I can jadedly think that my financial contribution may enable the ‘Fire to continue making good music. I’m sure I’ll also break the “have a baby now” concert moratorium if they come to the city again. C’mon Neon Bible… leaky leaky…

In various airports over our Christmas travels, I saw more than a handful of US Army soldiers in those “new” fatigues they have. You know what I’m talking about? That “digital” looking camouflage pattern? I always wondered why the new camo is all pixely looking, and tonight I happened to think about it whilst online. So, a couple Googles later and I was reading this neato article all about the modern-day standard-issues. Turns out the digital pattern “suggests” shapes and objects without actually being shapes and objects, and therefore helps modern soldiers blend into the “flow of space.” Kinda cool.

Goodnight folks, this is just the rut I’m in.

Also written on this day...

3 Replies to “gators got that ramma-jamma”

  1. Yes, I concur. I also heartily approve of the ramma-jamma the Gators showed on Monday night. It is most excellent to be a Florida Gator. Huzzah!

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