i do a lot for this house

I tell my kids this often, mostly in jest.

While I’m washing-up after dinner or taking out the trash or changing the air filters. If I see them I’ll say, “I do a lot for this house, you know.” And they know. Because I say it; all the time.

“Yeah dad, we know. You do a lot for this house. You always say that.”

It takes me a while to get settled into a place. Well, that’s true and then it’s not. I can be comfortable in a brand new place rather quickly. But it takes me a while to feel the sense of lordship that comes to me after making a place really ours. Knowing where things go, optimizing it, reducing clutter, getting that one new organizational scheme or when Sharaun adds some new decorating touch.

At some point it all comes together and blurs into “home” and you walk into the door after work or wander around in the dark after a 3am pee and it’s yours and it’s right and you live in it. It smells right and you can keep your feet off the cold floors by using rugs like stepping stones even with your eyes closed.

So you take care of it, do a lot for it.

Also written on this day...

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