statement of intent

For a long time I’ve wanted to write a book.

In 2020 I would like to accomplish that.

I began yesterday with a very rough outline. The book wants to be about the slow-bloom of my midlife crisis: The things that happened, the choices we made, experiences had, and lessons learned. At least that’s what it wants to be about today.

My coach/mentor told me, before we left on our year-long trip, “You need to write during the trip; take notes. Then, the year following your trip, you should write a book. Use the writing you did and the time you’ve had to reflect on what you’ve learned.” She knows I’ve always wanted to write a book.

I did write on the trip – I think I did a good job at that. But it takes me a long time to process what I’ve learned so I wasn’t ready yet to begin something substantial. I have to talk about it (a lot) and write about it (over and over again). Once I’ve done that enough to where it’s part of my story, I’ve usually decided and internalized what I learned. I think I’m there… and I think it’s time to try.

Part of the process, I think, is continuing to write here, also. Like keeping the grease packed around the bearings.


Also written on this day...

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