shipping off

This was a good weekend.  The weather was perfect.

Sundays are even more fantastic when you’re not thinking about the fact that they’re the capping days of the weekend.  Last week I barely wrote; work, work, work.  But this week: this week is vacation.  And that means that right now, as I write this on Sunday afternoon, this day is even sweeter and more appreciated than usual.  With no coming week of work to look forward to all that’s in my head is what has to happen to prep for the time off.  We’re spending a week at the beach down south; roadtripping our way down through the valley tomorrow.  I’ve got the laptop loaded with Disney movies and the screen hooked up in the car for Keaton… and Sharaun’s getting the requisite road snacks.  I’m excited to get out of town and spend some time with the family.

Because I’ve been having such a difficult time writing lately, I decided the best sure-fire way to get some content, any content, up on the blog was maybe to do a picture post.  So I took a gander at a couple weeks or so worth of pictures I’ve taken on my busted iPhone and found a few worth talking to.  Below is what I decided on.  A nice collection of random images from the phone.  Each picture comes with a caption.  Even with an entire weekend at my disposal, this is seriously the best I could come up with.  I mean, this is some awful writer’s block I’ve got going on… anyway enjoy the pictures.

And now it’s after dark and I’ve spent the day in leisure.  Time to pack and prepare for our week away.


Also written on this day...

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