¡Ándale! ¡Ándale! ¡Arriba! ¡Arriba!

Morning writing.

Breaking all the rules and writing in the morning.  Up early today before work and seemed like a chance to catch up on missed time last night.

Did the after-work wakeboarding thing again last night, rode a different board with different bindings this time and it was a whole different game for me.  Easier getting up, more controlled when up, and a bit more confidence because of that extra control.  Not that I’m even remotely skilled, but I sure have a good time doing it.  A little sore in the neck today from a backwards wipeout, but otherwise good.

Oh and, blog, I meant to tell you: I finally got that box of pictures mailed off to the bulk-scanning place.  The night before we left for our Fourth of July weekend getaway Sharaun and I stayed up until 1am filling the box with the pictures I lifted from my parents’ albums last time we were in Oregon and supplementing those with old print images from our own collections (OK, from her collection… I don’t have any at all of my own).  I think we crammed over a thousand photos in that box, but I’ll be able to verify that count when we get the DVD.  The DVD which, as my e-mail told me yesterday, is now on it’s way back to us with all our photos.  Talk about a fast turnaround.

I’m so excited to be getting all these pictures digitized, and hope they all came out OK.  Since the place is right here in California, I suppose it’s even possible that they could arrive today.  I’ve been thinking on the best way to share some of these images with the sounds familiar community… and have considered some kind of “flashback Friday” kinda feature where I pick one or two or whatever and write about them a little bit.  Could be fun and could also be a shot in the arm to my writing.  Just looking at them as we bundled them into the box for shipping got me excited to share and talk about them.  Yeah, maybe no one cares… but then again… I guess I don’t write for people caring.

The other night, Sharaun and I booked an impulsive weeklong vacation to Mexico with some friends.  A spur-of-the-moment decision, we sprung on the all-inclusive flight and hotel deal mainly because the prices were just too good to pass up (and we had such a good time in Mexico last time around).  And now, my eyes are glistening and distant with thoughts towards an October week on the shore.  Yeah I know it’s a ways off, but when you work vacation-to-vacation it’s something that’s always sitting in the back of your brain, y’know.  So come on October, “¡Ándale! ¡Ándale! ¡Arriba! ¡Arriba!”

Good morning.

Also written on this day...

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