Friday; the weekend cometh.
It rained yesterday and through the night last night. Reminded me just how infrequently we’ve had rain this year. I’d just flipped our sprinklers back on this past week, normally the lawn is dormant enough during winter that I can easily go without them – but the increasingly brown hue had me concerned. No rain, no fertilizer, brown lawn and bright green weeds.
In other news, I’m still going to the gym. In fact, I’ve been somewhat obsessive about the whole diet and exercise thing. I even installed an application on my iPhone that helps me track all that stuff which I would have, until now, called dudes “chicks” for talking about (calories and protein and the like). You can track what you eat, what you exercise away, and all sorts of other stuff. They even have “sexual activity” as a type of exercise… but what’s up with the five minute granularity?
I don’t know… I guess I would like to get in shape. Maybe this is really happening. Maybe.
Anyway, I’m not in much shape for writing; walking dead. Let me explain through a series of e-mails my Mom and I exchanged this morning:
From: Dave’s Mom
To: Dave
Subject: Keaton
How’s babygirl today? Hope she’s doing better! Tell her Grammy loves her!
Love, mom
From: Dave
To: Dave’s Mom
Subject: Re: Keaton
She’s better, but we’re both mad at her today 🙂
Last night it rained pretty good and the sound woke her up around 12:30am. From that point on, it was a 4hr struggle to get her back to sleep – 1.5hrs of it with her screaming and having a huge fit all alone in her locked room. Sharaun and I were both furious, and of course got no sleep. It really was awful, and no matter what we did she would not listen and go back to bed. Ugh, just thinking about it makes me mad all over again.
From: Dave’s Mom
To: Dave
Subject: Re: Keaton
Poor baby – you tell her how proud we are that she’s being such a “bad” girl. Not really – just kidding. I don’t think even you were that stubborn and bad. I do feel for you and can totally relate. Glad she’s better, though.
From: Dave
To: Dave’s Mom
Subject: Re: Keaton
You would not believe how amazingly stubborn she is…
Even under threat of spankings, locked doors, confiscated toys… she still deliberately does exactly what you tell her not to.
It really is infuriating 🙂
Sharaun said this morning when she got her up and was changing her out of her overnight diaper she was still angry and tired and so didn’t say much to Keaton. Apparently Keaton recognized this and looked up at her with a huge smile and the first thing she said was, “But you still love me, Mommy!”
What a punk!!
From: Dave’s Mom
To: Dave
Subject: Re: Keaton
Ahhh – how well I remember those days. That’s my girl! Gotta love her, huh? You can’t tell me that kid’s not smart – just like her dear old Dad.
Love, mom.
Well, aside from that – not much more to write. My new subwoofer came from Ebay and I installed it tonight… having the bottom-end back to my driving experience is wonderful. Come ride with me in my super brokedown Ford Explorer and you, too, can feel the thump. Thump, thump, thump-thump th-thump-thump.
And, before I go – I thought this site was pretty cool. Hopefully they’ll keep it updated throughout the next four years so we can get a neato real-time scorecard of how our new Commander In Chief executes to plan. Not sure where its partisanship lies, or doesn’t.. but it’s worth a glance.
Thumpin’ outta here for the weekend, goodnight.
Also written on this day...
- bits - 2019
- the night is still mine - 2008
- keaton will have an opinion - 2007
- t-minus one month and counting - 2006
Didn’t she start sleeping through the night when she was like 2 weeks old? Things even out.