Hello again from Monday.
Wanted to have this done last night but had a ton of redeye to process out (not very skillfully, as I was in a rush, I may add) of the costume contest photos. Anyway, I got through about half yesterday and finished up early this morning prior to “going in” to virtual work here on the couch with my laptop, cellphone, and bluetooth earpiece. So, what do we have?:
Click here to see the Halloween 2008 costume contest. Looking over the pix, I notice there are more than a few folks we missed getting snapshots of; so if you were there and have pictures we missed – send ’em along. And remember, you can vote on the pictures to voice your favorite. Have fun!
Click here to see a bunch of randomly-chosen, totally un-retouched candid photos from the evening’s festivities. Enjoy!
If you weren’t there, you totally shoud’ve been! Love ya, have a good Voting Eve!
Also written on this day...
- shopping for me - 2010
- on abundance - 2009
- and all i can think about is the music - 2008
- i got blood on my shirt - 2005
- early returns - 2004
- mizouse in the hizouse - 2003