Happy Valentines Day peoples. I hate Valentines Day… I really do. But, if I get a nice dinner with my wife and unborn child out of it, I figure I about break even.
A loooong time ago, I signed up for a website that was all the rage at the time, a website called freeipods.com. I linked the site on the blog, and also added a link to my completely old and busted, yet still highly trafficked, ? and the Mysterians page. When my free iPod didn’t materialize in a month or so, I lost interest in the whole deal – it seemed it took too long to get five people to sign up and jump through all the required hoops. Every few months or so, I’d log on to freeipods.com to see if I’d perhaps accumulated enough folks – but despite nearly fifty people registering, only four of them had completed their offers. Then, the other night – I got an e-mail at my hotmail address saying one of my referrals had completed an offer. I logged on to freeipods for the 1st time in several months and, sure enough, was greeted with the the free iPod screen. So, if all goes well, Sharaun and I will have gone from iPodless to a two iPod family in the course of a month – both free. There was some rigmarole about them needing 7-10 days to “verify” that all my referrals were real and did whatever they’re supposed to – but if that all goes off without a hitch, my 60GB video will get a new little 30GB video sister to play with. I’m so pumped.
Watching the news in between episodes of the Simpsons Monday night, the 10 day extended forecast came on – and I realized that Keaton’s due-date was on the screen. You know it’s getting close when the weatherlady is saying it’ll be cool and partly cloudy on the day your daughter is set to be born. I wonder, y’know, if she’ll actually come on the due-date. I wonder what that percentage is… babies born on their Dr.-pronounced due-dates? I never thought the last few days would be so excruciating – being able to see that little baby squirm and move under the seemingly paper-thin skin on my wife’s swollen belly, I know she’s all crunched up inside, she must be ready to get out and stretch her legs, right? I know she hears my muffled voice from behind all that blood and goo and thinks, “I can’t wait till the day I get to met this handsome lumberjack of a man, the timbre of his voice alone tells me he’ll be a good dad.”
Somehow I came across a remastered/re-released copy of a 1968 album by a British group called Love Sculpture. Now, I’d never heard of Love Sculpture, but allmusic tells me that the one and only Dave Edmunds was a member, and, man… does this record cook. I mean, outstanding driving guitar-based blues rock. Edmunds showing on this album is simply brilliant, sharp and slick and a pleasure to listen to. If you ever get a chance, pick up this disc – or stop by my house with a USB key and I’ll “loan” it to under the Fair Use clause, with explicit instructions for you to delete it to NSA standards 72 hours later. That way, you can hear some great music, and we’ll all be cool under the watchful eyes of the RIAA – the music lover’s best friend and compulsory conscience.
Also written on this day...
- connection - 2019
- the underground kingdom of SMUD - 2011
- flying home today - 2007
Got your “first song” music ready in the ipod? Never know when she could arrive….