time again

Pizza time!
Time in Florida going well, been relaxing, eating, relaxing, and eating. Today spent some time hanging out with old friends and catching up, which was good. Tomorrow we’re spending time with Sharaun’s grandmother, Thursday’s booked, and Friday’s filling up too. Today I decided to have go number two at the “one liner” idea; they’re actually pretty fun (and easy) to write.

Sharaun says I act differently when I’m around my “old” friends than I do around my current friends. I think we just talk more about “old” stuff since that’s what we have most in common these days; maybe that’s what she means.

This Andrew Bird album is making for some great “pregnant Christmas in Florida” memories.

I’m really happy with how my beard is shaping up, now I just want it to hurry up and get all Bible-thick and bushy.

I’ve always wondered why A&M colleges are predominantly black. Anyone know?

With Lil’ Chino on the way, and it being Christmastime, I find myself thinking forward three years and getting excited about assembling dollhouses and Barbie toys at midnight on Christmas Eve.

Despite my pre-Christmas worries, I think I managed to do pretty well with Sharaun’s gifts in my limited, last-minute shopping.

Sharaun has also cheered my beard, but is dead-against the Bible-thick thing.

Goodnight folks.

Also written on this day...

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