you can judge me

it's supposed to be camping...
What profession is it where I get to think and write all day? Because I really want to try and make a career move into it. I could do this all day, but only if you give me money for it. Sometimes I think I want to be a comedy writer for the Simpsons, or SNL or something. I wonder if that’s as cushy a job as it sounds? All I know is: I love computers and engineering, not to mention money, but sometimes I long for a completely structureless environment. Where I can sleep whenever I’m tired, and sometimes even when I’m not tired just because it feels good. Where I can drop everything and go camping for three days in the middle of the week because the weather is amazing. And also where I have time to learn to play guitar.

Tomorrow night is the Beulah / John Vanderslice show in SF. Should be a good show. I’ve been listening up to some Vandeslice, since I’m barely familiar with his stuff.

OK, I’m not in a writing mood – so I’ll just drop the link and call it a blog. Without further ado – the Halloween Bash ’03 Posthumous Costume Contest. Have fun.

Dave out.

Also written on this day...

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