Today our first born becomes a teenager.
While it’s easy to believe that the funny, smart, and kind young girl we live in this RV with is is thirteen, I mean most mistake her for older anyway, it’s a lot harder to get my head around the fact that thirteen years of our lives have passed since that day we first met her.
I can see in her a blend both our senses of humor. Can see Sharaun’s kindness, amazing motherly instincts, and altruistic nature. Can absolutely see the stubbornness and machination of my own youth. Can see a budding love for music, a flare for the artistic, and a love of reading and writing. And, best of all, can see a whole unique person forming in there and am excited about who that’s beginning to be.
Anyway, this trip is working, I’m able to be so much more a part of her life this year (OK, so the trip is working for me, at least), and I’m loving it.
Happy birthday Keaton, I love you.
Also written on this day...
- laundry coup aside - 2008
- we don't care about the old folks - 2007
- hello, my name is keaton - 2006
- belgian benefactor - 2004