rain again

Rain again, and it doesn’t look that my most recent roof sealing maintenance quite got all the water entryways taken care of – there’s still one persistent, but thankfully small, leak up in the front cab.

Since I knew we’d be getting rain overnight (though I underestimated how much), I did another walk around visual inspection yesterday afternoon. Found maybe one or two possible culprit spots and will have to try and seal them when the rain stops. For now I put a towel down and that’ll have to suffice.

I know that we’re heading into country where winter is real, and I’m hoping I’ve planned a northward tack that’s non-aggressive enough to keep us below the worst of it, moving up the latitudes as we move closer to Spring. Still I expect we’ll encounter late snow at least somewhere along the way, and we’ll certainly hit the New England mud season.

I am a little leery of weather on this leg of the journey, I worry a bit about being stuck in the RV with too much rain or snow, ending up with cabin fever or simply just longing for sunshine. I continue to believe, though, that we’ve got plenty of beautiful days ahead of us where we can be outside exploring, swinging in hammocks, sitting by fires.

OK, time to jump in the shower and get ready for the day. Savannah by evening. Peace & safe travels.

Also written on this day...

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