it’s a real thing

I write over and over again how it gets harder to write as work gets busier.  It’s true.

When things heat up at work my brain has less time to wander.  With less time to wander, I have less time for those creative thoughts to stop and take root.  Those thoughts are what fuel my blog.

I wonder how things will be on the road in a month, while we’re out on the RV.  I’m committed to helping keep Keaton’s blog up to date while we’re road-tripping, and I’ll make it a priority to update there. This doesn’t mean I am planning to neglect sounds familiar, well, anymore than I already have been for the past few months, but I do wonder how it’ll be keeping up with both pages.  Maybe since Keaton’s is mostly for video and pictures, it won’t be so bad.

Speaking of the RV trip, here are ten things I’m looking forward to about the coming odyssey:

  • Brewing my own coffee each morning and drinking it behind the wheel
  • Stopping at roadside farmer’s markets for fruit and veggies
  • Playing boardgames with the family around the table in the evenings
  • Doing some really deep listening to the music collection while on the road
  • Driving into a sunset in someplace I’ve never been before
  • That womb-reminiscent feeling of being safe in a self-contained environment amongst the wilderness
  • Spending full days with my son, over and over again, morning to evening
  • Grilling meat outside the front door while Keaton and Sharaun toss a Frisbee
  • Riding bikes around an RV park, saying “hi” to old people
  • Falling into various road-trip routines, the best of which I can’t even daydream about

Some of those may not happen, but in my head I am sure anticipating them.



Also written on this day...

4 Replies to “it’s a real thing”

    1. Aaron I kept wondering what this comment meant until I logged on today and I “sacked” myself (see here for what I mean by that). Turns out the latest version of WordPress broke my custom .htaccess file and not only ruined my permalinks but turned my hotlink-protection right back around on me! D’oh! Now I get what you meant…

  1. Dude, you have no idea how much I envy you right now… Your top ten goals would be literally my ideal as well. (especially the saying hi to old people!)
    You rock and I can’t wait to follow your journey!

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