halloween 2010, some pictures

Halloween weekend went off just splendidly.

Our annual let’s-pretend-we’re-in-college-again soirée was (and maybe I say this every year, but…) my favorite yet.  The be-cosutmed attendees took the whole thing to another level, and it’s the first year we’ve had the police grace us with a visit (two cruisers the first time, and one came back to hang out later).  Part of me sometimes goes, “Dave, why do you still have a party like this?”  I mean, I’m old… we have kids… I can’t just spring back into action the next day like I used to.  But every year I have a great time.  Maybe that’s why.  I was proud of Sharaun too, she closed the place down with me and the usual late-night crew around 4:30am, sitting around a big bowl of molten pizza rolls drinking rum on the rocks.

And, while I didn’t have a whole ton of time tonight (Sunday, “beggars’ night”) to write a fancy blog (even though you might think I’d have a bunch of test stored up after last week’s dalliance), I did find time to upload some pictures of the costumes from the party to the normal place.  Thanks to Bill for the loaner camera after our died midway through the evening, and double-thanks for the Saturday morning upload that made the gallery possible.

So then, head on over to the Halloween 2010 Costume Contest and vote for your favorite getups.  After that you can check out some candids that Bill put up over at his place.

Until tomorrow, take care.

Also written on this day...

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