cooing & head-petting

It’s only Tuesday.

Sitting here at 9pm reveling in the fact that the 9:30pm meeting I’ve been dreading since my 6pm arrival home from work is on its off-week of its every-other-week cadence.  Seriously, three hours of between time isn’t even enough for my work-brain to fully shut down and my home-brain to take over.  When a bad work day happens to align with one of those few and far between days where I have late-night meetings I clock-watch from the moment I get home until the moment the cellphone rings.  Stupid work, encroaching on my time.

We leave for a week in Florida around the middle of the month.  And even though I just had some time off work when Cohen was born, I’m ready for some more.  While there I plan to hang out with friends, maybe take walks by the river, spend some time in the pool and sit around reading.  None of the family back South has met Cohen yet so we’re all excited to give him his east coast debut.  Keaton might be most proud, she’s so in love with the idea of being a big sister and takes real joy in sharing him with other people.  She wants everyone to know how well she can perform her sisterly duties… and it turns out that, luckily, Cohen actually seems to be calmed by her cooing and head-petting.  Her very real ability to soothe him is a really cool thing for her (and us) and she wants everyone to know.

Let’s hope their relationship stays as sweet right through highschool.  Goodnight.

Also written on this day...

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