lightening up landfills

Happy Thursday internet.

I took Wednesday off too.  I’m pushing it with work and these sort of ad-hoc vacation days so I spent the first two hours of the morning clearing out the inbox and taking care of some items that just couldn’t wait.  Then again, around 3pm, I logged on and worked for an hour.  Finally once more, around 9pm, I checked mail and dispatched a couple more items on the to-do list.  So while I technically took the day off, I also managed to get a little done in the process.  Tomorrow I go back in; just too much to do to stay away again.

Tonight was a big night for Keaton.  After more than a week of dry pull-ups and mid-night trips to the potty Keaton packed off to bed in her Ariel panties alone.  It was a proud moment for her, and she wanted to go into her room to change into her pajamas without anyone knowing.  She told me, “Dad, you can’t look!  There’s a surprise with my jammies tonight that you can’t see yet!”  When she emerged from behind her closed door she had her PJ pants around her ankles and thrust middle forward, hands on her hips, saying, “See dad!?  Panties for bedtime!!”

I wrote more than six months ago about how I longed for this day, and even though I still feel like she’s “late” Sharaun and I are both holding our breath and hoping to finally be free of diapers.  Well, at least for a month; then it’s back to diapers in spades when Cohen joins us.  So… really… we’re talking about eight straight years of diapers here… if Cohen is as stubborn about nighttime as his big sister is, I guess.  It’s OK… I suppose I can deal with diapers again, and I’m still super-proud of Keaton for lightening up the landfills.


Also written on this day...

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