things of permanence

Well, we’ve not done much to speak of with the in-laws in town.  More these days than in days past when the parents visit we’re just sort of “hanging out.”  I actually really enjoy it, at least a lot more than driving around the state to take in the standard tourist stuff (which can be fun too, I’ll grant).

Plus I get some vacation.  Monday I worked in the morning and took the afternoon off.  Today and tomorrow I’m steady-gone from the office.  Thursday I have to go in and ditto for Friday morning.  So sort of an “in and out” kind of week at the sawmill, but even with this little bit of free time I feel liberated.  Not disconnected… but liberated.  Sharaun’s folks wanted to help put together the nursery, so we’ve been shopping and cleaning and painting and whatnot.  It feels extremely good to finally make some progress on something baby related, and all the work going on around me has inspired me to get to work on some longstanding un-done projects of my own.  Made a pilgrimage to the big-box hardware store and got the supplies I need to prep for the new TV shelf a buddy and I are building, cleaned the garage, etc.  You get the picture.  Anyway, it’s been a nice extended weekend thus far and there’s still more non-working time to be had.

And as the baby’s room finally comes together, I figured it was time to bottom-out on the coming child’s name.  You may remember the flap Sharaun and I were having over her proposed name: Cohen.  Not surprisingly, I came around and welcomed the name in time.  So Cohen it is, with a middle name in honor of Sharaun’s grandmother, who recently left us.  As these things of permanence gain solidity, so sinks in the reality that we’re about to have a baby in the house again.  In fact, Sharaun and I spent Thursday night last week watching old home movies of Keaton on the computer – y’know, from back when she was a baby.  Man, there are whole phases I’ve near “forgotten.”  I mean, I remember them happening, but I  don’t quite remember them happening.  Babies are a lot of work…

I’m getting excited though, as July approaches.  I think we’re all excited to welcome baby Cohen to the family.


Also written on this day...

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