a burp about my hot dog

'bout it 'bout itSunday night and I have a headache.

Some old blues tune is on the iPod and the tinny harmonica sounds harsh; not good for the aforementioned headache.  A skip brings up some Burrito Brothers tune with a lot more bottom and rounded sound, better for the now twice aforementioned headache.  No music would be best, but I feel like music.

Sharaun’s birthday is soon, and we wanted to do something fun as a family to celebrate.  For a while, I’ve been kicking around the idea of a guerrilla trip down to Disneyland.  By “guerrilla” I mean that it wouldn’t have to be some grand elaborate planned thing, but instead just a spontaneous weekend getaway.  Ever since we got the new car, I’ve been thinking about the viability of such a trip even more.  And, early Saturday morning, while Sharaun was off at the gym, I went ahead and booked one.  Drive down, get a hotel, spend two days in the park, and drive back; all done in a weekend.

And while it’s by no means “cheap,” it’s not all that bad for a weekend spent away at Disneyland.  In fact, it’s reasonably-enough priced that I could see us maybe doing it again sometime should this trip go off as a wild success.  Sharaun and I are really excited to take Keaton.  She did Disney World while we were in Florida a ways back, but we knew at the time she was a little young to really appreciate it.  Even at three it’ll be a stretch, but at least she recognizes the characters now and gets excited at the prospect.

Just a funny Keatonism to close up the entry: This particular one happened on the drive home after a dinner with friends the other evening.  That night, the kids got a special dinner of their own by way of hot dogs and macaroni & cheese (lucky kids).  Somewhere about halfway home, she piped up from the backseat and said, “Hey, I just had a burp about my hot dog.”

Man, once we realized what she was trying to say, we had a good laugh.  “About my hot dog…”  hilarious.


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