off again

Machinating.Friday and, even though I took a vacation day Monday: it’s about time.

We go forth into the not-really-wilds of white-people car-camping this weekend (yes, again).  Closer to home than last weekend’s Yosemite jaunt, we’ll be up north somewhere at a lake we’ve never been to.  Keaton is excited, and truthfully, despite the feeling that I’ve not had a weekend at home in nearly a month, I am too.  I have aspirations for the trip: Frisbee in the right hand, Newcastle in the left, maybe a pipe and book while wearing my silly old-man brimmed “camping hat” that Sharaun hates so much.

Yeah, camping.  Oh and…

While we were in Oregon last week, I took the opportunity to thumb through my folks’ vast collection of family photo albums.  On a mission, I tore at every picture I found which interested me: family photos of us growing up; old photos of my ancestry; past vacations; baby pictures; pictures of my Mom and Dad when they met; before the met, etc.  I pulled them all from the albums and placed them carefully in plastic bags to transport them home.  Why, you ask?

Well, because I’m planning on sending them off to a bulk photo-scanning outfit I’ve read decent things about online, that’s why.  For pennies a picture this place will run as many of your old prints as you can send through a machine, scanning them and sending them back to you on DVDs.  The reason I’m doing this is simple: archiving as much of my family’s photographed history as I can.  Secondly, however, I also think these images will make excellent blog material.  For instance, there’s a series of pictures taken in my Dad’s bachelor pad (pre Mom, I hope)… and they are much too awesome not to post and write about.

So, coming soon, some interesting old-timey type photos we can all enjoy together.


Also written on this day...

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