portrait of an evening

One night in time.Hey Wednesday.  Nothing much exciting today.

5:00pm – The ranks begin to file out of the sawmill.  I opt to stay back for some later meetings.

6:30pm – Home at last.  Quick dinner of leftovers (don’t knock leftovers, I encourage Sharaun to take this simple and economical approach to dinner whenever possible, and I actually feel fiscally responsible eating food for more than just a single meal).

7:00pm – Sharaun leaves for her volleyball game.  I’m completely beat from a rough day at work and I’ve laid down on the couch after our meal (not typically at all for me).  Since I have Keaton now, I do some “cheat” parenting and put on a Backyardigans and she sat with me on the couch to watch.

8:00pm – I get dressed for the gym.  I have designs to head out the door the minute Sharaun gets back home.

8:15pm – We begin the bedtime ritual: Brush teeth; pre-sleep potty; get into that nighttime diaper (still haven’t been able to shake that thing); read a book, say a prayer, sing a song, and part ways with a kiss.

8:30pm – Sharaun’s home, and she meets me in Keaton’s room as I’m wrapping up.  I’m off to the gym.

9:45pm – Home from the gym after an hour on the machines.  Feel good, and consider trying to write a blog entry.  Nothing comes easy… so I decide to get some e-mail done instead.  For some reason, my thoughts on what e-mail I need to draft and/or reply to really crystallize nicely after an hour on an elliptical.

11:45pm – Done with e-mail and doing some small PowerPoint work, also chatted for a while with some of the Shanghai team for good measure.  Wonder again if I have a blog in me, but again nothing comes easy.  Start thinking about what I did today, mining for blog-fodder.

11:46pm – This blog is born, 11:50pm – written, and 12:00am-  delivered.


Also written on this day...

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