up where they stay all day in the sun

Tuesday night and I’m up at midnight again.  Just now starting to write.

Work’s been brutal, no signs of letup for the next few months; likely not after that either.  Been working on some “freelance” coding (I’m not a programmer by trade, mind you) for a friend’s Ebay store… going good but I get obsessed and end up staring at VBA code into the wee hours.  Anyway, that’s not what I came here to write about…

Sharaun captured Keaton singing her new favorite song on video yesterday.  Too bad she waited until 11:45pm before showing me the video.  Still, I couldn’t resist processing it for the web and getting it online for my people to watch.

Here then, without further introduction, is Keaton singing “Ariel.”

Yes, that is a Little Mermaid “tattoo” on her arm.  Yes, it’s still there from her birthday party over a week ago.  No, she won’t let us get near it at bathtime.


Also written on this day...

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