Thursday night: Comes before Friday; comes before the weekend; comes after too much week beforehand more often than not.
Finally got our Christmas tree done tonight; no more boxes littering the living room, no more half-strung lights, no more furniture where it shouldn’t be. I actually managed to put back in the garage most of the stuff I took down out of the garage last weekend, which leaves the place looking semi put-together, as far as Christmas spirit goes. Keaton helped with the ornaments, and actually did a great job… check the tree there to the right there.
I’m getting really excited now for a “family” Christmas and, with my folks coming into town next weekend, it’s not too far off now. It’s hard for me to believe that another year has gone by… and we’re still here, happily hoeing our row. Well, maybe when it comes to the row-hoeing, my mind drifts a bit more lately… but I suppose that’s something normal. Right? I mean… you guys sometimes think about dropping everything you know to go run a diner on 66 somewhere, right? No? Just me, huh?
Lastly, I upgraded to WordPress v2.7 today – and really like the new backend. So far I haven’t noticed anything broken on the frontend, where you’d see it – but do let me know if you find something amiss with your sounds familiar experience.
Also written on this day...
- welcome to florida - 2018
- silky smoothness - 2003
What? Not even a “Yo… It’s my birthday so congratulate me on surviving another year!” Hope it’s a good one!
Thanks 🙂
Tree is gay.
So are you.
I don’t think I have been on messenger in the last two days so HAPPY LATE BIRTHDAY!! Was it a good one??? Oh and about the running away…ask my dad. lol But, his is like living on an island being a scuba instructor or something. I’m not sure if he’s come up with any new ones lately =)
hahaha and why would you want to own a diner?? That one is random.
The tree is beautful. And happy birthday- belated.