this thing on?

Hey there, anybody out there? Did I lose you?

Safe and sound in Florida, balmy weather and the smell of the sea in the air – and I’m completely smitten. I think, that the more Sharaun and I come here for “vacation,” the more the once familiar sights, smells, and sounds of “home” become associated with some a sense of disconnected leisure. I’m happy about this, because I have this thought that, if I can get the notion of “Florida” associated with relaxation and lack of responsibilities and deadlines, it’ll be a comforting place I can run to anytime – an escape. I’m actually loving being here, even if it’s been just one day. I took a nap, read some of my book, and laughed with family and friends. What’s more, I’m gonna make a concentrated effort to do little more than that for the remainder of the two weeks we have here.

I will write, I promise. I feel that itch again, but more now I feel the need to not write – to not do much of anything.

See you around.

Also written on this day...

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