no shirts, no shoes, no problem

Back in California, fresh off our extended Florida hiatus. Keaton was once again outstanding on the long two-leg flight: sleeping, keeping herself entertained, or flirting with passengers and crew. She once again proved my fears unfounded. I’ll be honest, I didn’t really feel like leaving; things are nice in Florida, but I think a large part of that is because I don’t live in Florida – and it’s associated with vacation in my head. I kind of feel off the blogging wagon while there, skipping some days due to lack of desire, and then yesterday lost to travel – I’ll do my best to make up for that by whipping my typing fingers back into shape over the next couple weeks. Dreading going back to work, of course, frightened of the load that will stretch out before me. Not wanting to catch up on lawn mowing, or unpack the suitcases United had to tag “heavy” due to their seam-bustingness.

I must warn you that I have nothing to offer today. However, before I close this thing prematurely – I did finally make a belated update to Keaton’s gallery, adding a series of pictures from the latter half of our Florida visit. And, what’s more, I managed to upload a short set of non-Keaton-focused Florida images which you can check out right here.

Deal with it, goodnight.

Also written on this day...

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