partial recall

Did you know the College Board publishes several actual full-length SAT tests along with detailed answers and scoring guides, which can be used as practice?

I didn’t.

But, with Keaton in the middle of her senior year college admissions push (holy crap, what?) I started wondering: How well could I score on the SAT if I were to take it today?

So I scrolled through one of the practice exams quickly the other evening while laying in bed. I don’t exactly remember, but I suppose it was always just reading, writing, and math – and there never was science or anything else. I’m pretty sure that I’m only more literate than I was as a highschool senior, so I doubt I’d do too poorly on the reading & writing bit. It’s more a curiosity re: how I’d do on the math part. How much can I remember without having to look things up? Y’know.

I might do it. That’s the kind of spare time I have again and I love it.

Also written on this day...

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