
Last night Sharaun couldn’t sleep, and I always feel a little helpless rolling over and seeing her awake, and awake again, and again.

The light outside is kinda gray and hazy, and the humidity isn’t too brutal. I still sometimes think about the fact that we now live in Florida. The sun is trying to break through and it’s actually quite a beautiful battle, with little straight-arrow arms of sunshine occasionally making landfall through the clouds.

The kids start school in a week. Summers felt longer when I was a kid. It’s somehow August already but just yesterday we were ringing in the end of 2020.

Yesterday I was doing chores outside, wielding a pitchfork, trying my best to turn the soil in the garden beds but realizing it’s been invaded and is basically one big rectangle of roots. No wonder things weren’t growing as I wanted. When it started raining, and raining hard, I just kept working. Thunder, lightning, rain pouring off the contours of my BC hat, pitchfork steadily pulling-up chunks of root riddled soil. We live in Florida, rain is just slightly damper air.

My muscles have been tight at nights. Like, if I stretch as stretchily as I want to I’m afraid they’ll cramp, that kind of tight. I am not sure what it’s from, but I don’t like it. I’ve also been having issues with the pillows – I just can’t get them right. I’ve never been a needy sleeper before.


Also written on this day...

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