
Pine pollen swirls in thick clouds like yellow smoke. My phone us dusted with the stuff as I type.

A fat red snake moves easily through the sand and disappears into a patch of dune grass seemingly too small to hide in.

Another frustrating morning with Keaton. Tooth and nail and weeping and gnashing of teeth. Seems every few weeks. I forgot how hard it is trying to become an adult. I try empathy but she’s not stable enough to recognize the kindness in the heat of her emotion.

Fingers are greasy black. Raised my handlebars and tightened Cohen’s chain for the ride into town. Wasn’t happy as I worked and a foul mood always makes a poor effort, nicks and scratches and bruised knuckles. Rubbed some sunscreen into yesterday’s burn so it doesn’t get worse on the ride.

Leaves in the sun without glasses like pointalism. Old Glory stiff in the breeze and a layer of yellow snow blankets everything.


Also written on this day...

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