Made it back to the sea today. Trying again, for maybe the fifth time, to read Ulysses. We’ll see how it goes.
Atlantic ocean Delaware. Last night in a sleepy Walmart parking lot near Hershey Pennsylvania. Lovely little campground on the dunes. Black tank was overfull on the way here, belching whiffs of sewage. RV feels perfectly level, hammock is strung out back between two trees.
Took a bloody mary to the beach, walked past an old WWII fort. Temperatures in the high seventies. Twenty-three stations over the air, good old westerns abd vintage sci-fi. Beautiful pink and orange sky at sunset, meteor showers tonight.
“Relaxed at a cellular level,” that’s what she said and I feel it to be true. I will it to be true when it might not be, for that matter.
Also written on this day...
- self absorbed - 2009
- swing on the swings - 2008
- exit strategy - 2005
- gold bars fell on my head - 2004