
Back in California and it’s just as hot as Florida but with less humidity.  They told me the weekend here was “like Fall” though, so I’ve got my hopes up for more of that.

My brother and his wife had a daughter last week, Kenley, on Sharaun’s birthday.  It still feels strange to think that my kid brother is a father, but it’s been a fun thing to talk to him these past few days.  He texted me while were in Florida saying, “This is the hardest thing I have ever done.  It is completely exhausting.  How do you make it look so easy?”  To which I replied, after laughing, “It’s never easy, but it does get easier.  Welcome to selflessness.”  Later that day he wrote, “I broke down into tears.  She wouldn’t stop crying and I felt completely helpless.  It is so hard.”  Yes… yes it is.  Man… I remember breaking down into tears myself during a couple particularly difficult instances with Keaton.  I empathized with the whole feeling helpless thing, having been there many times and not being able to help the baby or my overworked wife.

For our part, we’ve settled fairly well into a “two kid” routine, although maybe it’s unfair to say having been traveling for a week.  Sharaun’s early breastfeeding woes have been erased by time and conditioning and we’re both used to the nighttime routine.  Luckily for us Keaton is a heavy sleeper and doesn’t wake up when Cohen cries to alert Sharaun that he’s hungry (lucky for us he’s not much of a crier to begin with).  Cohen’s been spending a little more time awake over the past week, not sure if it’s related to all the stimulation of Florida or just that he’s growing up (10lbs 3oz, as a matter of fact – most of it testicles, in the Davis tradition), but it’s nice to see his eyes and watch his aimless facial expressions.  I could (and have) stared down at him for an hour.

I think it’s time to go to bed.  It’s late and I want to go to the gym before work.  Goodnight.

Also written on this day...

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