heralding the end

A merry Christmas for me!Christmas is winding down here at our house.

Heralding the end: My folks took off Sunday for home, and Sharaun and I are beginning to get the house back together.  The tree and various bits of house-decoration will go back in boxes tomorrow and be put up in the shelves of the garage for another year.  It’s always a little sad when the holidays end… the return to work and the loss of all the “feel good” stuff that comes along with the season.  But, all’s well that ends well, I suppose.

And as far as things going well, Chrismas in fact did just that.  Keaton, particularly, made out like a bandit, garnering a generous amount of gifts from Santa and family alike.  Her favorites, ranked in order of how much playtime recieved since finding or unwrapping them beneath the tree, would go something like this: 1) Pop-up play tent/barn thing; 2) Fully functional salon chair and styling implements for her many babydolls; 3) Play computer with real monitor, keyboard, and mouse; 4) Her new rollerboard suitcase/backpack; 5) Play cash register with fake money.  She got a lot more, mostly clothes and various toys – and we’re working to get it all into her “play room” now that Grammy & Grandpa have vacated it as the “guest room.”

In other news, it’s almost 2009 and that means I need to get busy posting my “best of 2008” music review list.  No worries, it’s nearly done, just putting the finishing touches on the formatting and doing a couple democratic listen-off contests to make my final decisions on what lands where.  Oh, and in between that I’ve been completely sonically preoccupied with the new Animal Collective album, Merriweather Post Pavilion, which leaked on Christmas day.  And, more about that album this week too… for sure.

For now though… I’m outta here.  Hope you all had a great Christmas, and I’ll try to resume a respectable posting schedule as I ease back into the routine here this week.


Also written on this day...

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