Some surprise me-time for a Friday in Florida.
Sharaun and her mom took off shopping, leaving me at the house with Breck and Doug and Keaton. I spent the morning flipping channels on the television and playing with Keaton. It’s now just after lunch, and Keaton has a mixed bellyful of turkey, cheese, nectarine, and rice cakes. I, on the other hand, am still contemplating my mealtime options. At first, I considered heading out for some chicken wings with the brother-in-law, but he denied me when his wife decided to cook grilled cheese sandwiches. Economical: yes; buffalo wings: no. I figured, since it’s 9am-ish back on the west coast, it’d be a good time to write a bit in preparation for posting sometime later today.
I was thinking today, how the full reality of being off from work for nine weeks hasn’t truly set in for me yet. Right now, with the trip to Florida panning out like our “normal” vacation visits here, my mind is fooling me into thinking that I’m just taking a run of the mill style vacation. The only indication of something bigger that I have comes when I think about how I should probably log in and check my work e-mail at least a couple times while I’m here. It’s something I routinely do while on vacation, just spend about 15min doing some quick dispositioning and deleting to save myself from a work-landslide upon return. But, when those thoughts come now – I’m quickly reminded that this is no ordinary vacation, as I have no desire to even see my e-mail until sometime in November. It’s a wonderful realization, actually, but it still doesn’t comprehend the full gravity of the time off. I’m thinking that may sink in somewhere along the John Muir Trail, or maybe in a massive tent during Oktoberfest. Either way, I hope it sets in soon – because I’m ready for the wave of awesome I think should wash over me the moment it does.
Wednesday we take Keaton to Disney World. We’ll acknowledge now that she’s likely a tad young to really appreciate the place, but we’re at least hoping that she can enjoy seeing the characters and perhaps get a kick out of some of the kid-friendly rides. Sharaun’s sister got us the hookup and we get into the $75-per-adult, $65-per-child park absolutely free (if you’re an accountant, that saves us something upwards of $200 on admission alone, not to mention the parking). And, from a selfish perspective, I myself am hoping to be able to check out the revamped Pirates of the Caribbean ride, and of course hit the Haunted Mansion – a favorite of mine since childhood. I’m not sure either of those rides are Keaton’s style, as I don’t know the rules on lap-children – but I figure, at worst, Sharaun and I can take turns (hopefully the lines won’t be bad during a midweek visit). I’ll be sure to post some pictures of the action once we’re back in California.
OK, that’s enough for today. Until Monday I guess, later.
Also written on this day...
- a smile and a fist bump - 2023
- change isn't free & new is scary - 2021
- fun to do - 2006
- output enabling - 2005
- bland and without passion - 2004
i’ll allow your trip to disney world since it’s free, otherwise i would most certainly disparage you.
you gonna claim that $200 on your tax return?