super heavy-headed tired

Sunday night, a long, rather expensive weekend. Friday night we went out to eat, and then returned home and got an unexpected reprieve from parenting with a snap decision to take advantage of a babysitter and head to the local brewpub. Saturday we took Keaton to the zoo, and I went four-wheeling – lots of walking and driving and moving and stuff. I didn’t really want to run down the litany of the weekend though. The main thing on my mind is sleep. I don’t think I’ve managed to catch up from my late-night workathon Thursday night. And we’ve already established that the weekend wasn’t particularly restful. So I’m tired, super heavy-headed tired. I’m not going to write much, and what I do write won’t be good. Live with it.

I got a Barnes & Noble gift certificate for Christmas, and have been wondering what to do with it. I decided I was going to spend it acquiring and reading as many “classic” novels as possible, using this list as my guide. If nothing else, someone visiting will look at my bookshelf and think I’m a well-versed literary. Turns out, Barnes & Noble is super overpriced, so I bought only one book (a Bukowski novel not even on the list) – and I’ll just use the library for the rest. I think my fascination with the fantasy genre has served to sour me on reading, as I’ve been half-finishing most of my reading for a year or more now. With the recent Vonnegut novels I devoured, I think the subject-change helped a lot. I hope that by putting aside trolls and dragons for a bit I might be able to get back into the habit of reading again.

Turns out the new camera we ordered back in January was still on backorder through Late Saturday night I gave up waiting, canceled the order, and went through Amazon instead. Ended up saving $10 losing the sales tax from CA-based, kinda mad I didn’t check Amazon to begin with, but I suppose all’s well that ends well. So, hopefully, our picture drought will end in the next week and I’ll be busily uploading pictures soon again.

Well, I can barely keep my eyes open or my head up, and my mouth tastes like garlic from one of the many finger-foods I ate at the Super Bowl party. My stomach is swollen-full and I can’t stop thinking about sleep. So…

I think I used this post’s image before… owell. Goodnight.

Also written on this day...

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