Nothing much written, first night at home went extremely well. For now, new pictures will have to suffice. Check out Keaton’s gallery for the latest.
Until later.
Also written on this day...
- home from oregon, that is - 2011
- time flies - 2009
- mincing words - 2005
- scoietal dregs need to drive too - 2004
So you have to bring flowers and food to get recognized?! I’m totally Butt-hurt! What about the baby haute couture I showered you with? Keaton’s gonna look mad hot on the baby circuit because of my rad infant fashion skillz. Plus she totally thought I was awesome ’cause she spent the whole time looking at me. What-ever! It’s not like you have more important stuff to worry about right now!
“rad infant fashion skillz”
… excellent… just excellent.
Where are the pictures of Keaton in her new pink bedroom? (you’re lucky she turned out to be a girl… that would be traumatic for a boy to live in that room!!!) :-0