what brings you here?

Seemed appropriate for some reason.I’m just gonna get right down to it and say I’m not happy with this entry. I had all weekend to write it, and I ultimately came up with nothing. But I’m under pressure y’all. Last week’s blog performance was hampered by travel and catch-up sleep, and the weeks prior weren’t much better while I was in Taiwan. I guess I wasn’t motivated to write this weekend either though. Hopefully this week will change that. But for now, try to enjoy this crappy entry…

It’s the weekend and I’m writing as a procrastination tactic. I woke up early to maximize the day, and then spent two hours watching family guy and eating breakfast. Stupid traveling. I’m behind in everything that matters to me. Mowing the lawn, keeping the house clean, finishing the backyard, everything. Plants are dying and shower doors are becoming obscured with soapfilm. It’s really frustrating to me, mostly because of my compulsive nature. I start to freak out if things aren’t right, and I think I have my dad to thank for it. I try. I try and tell myself that stupid things don’t matter, but it’s ineffective if those stupid things really do matter.

Anyway, it’s a gorgeous warm weekend. In the mid 80s with sunny blue skies. And I’m writing about the weather… which is about as good as admitting ya got nuthin’…

Saturday I got the urge to do some web tinkering… the end result being a redesign of my index page. I’m pretty happy with the result, which uses an original image I took for the purpose, and an imagemap/rollover effect I pieced together from some tutorials online. Anyway, I’m happy with it. It’s much more stylized than my old design.

My TiVo got the 6.2 software update while I was away this week, which is awesome. The menus are 100% faster, and I can group shows into folders – making organization much easier. My one complaint though, you can’t delete a group. Now, why would you group shows if you can’t bulk-delete an entire group? What idiot at the TiVo company thought, “Lets give users this awesome feature where they can sort their shows into folders. It’ll simplify and speed up the interface, and make things much more intuitive. Oh, and if they want to delete an entire program group, let’s make them have to go into the folder and delete each one individually. Y’know, temper the rad with the suck, so they don’t get too much user-friendliness all at once.” Stupids. I hate them.

Also, on the upgrade theme, I successfully upped “sounds familiar” to WordPress this weekend. Muddled through some bonehead “oops!” style accidental deletions and some CSS issues, but with a little work and the help of my pre-upgrade backups I was up and running shortly. You won’t see much of a change from the front page, but the backend has some small updates for me – namely a faster loading dashboard when I first enter the behind-the-scenes area. Nothing major seems to be broken, but lemme know if you see something not working right or looking funny.

I know I told you how much I love this Architecture in Helsinki album, but my affair with it has become even more heated in the last week. I daresay it’s my favorite album in a while. And do you think I care that I’m still dirty and sweaty from mowing the lawn? No! I sure don’t! I still sit here listening to this album at deafening levels, windows open so the sun can stream in and I get a nice breeze. I mean guys, I know, as albums go, this one is young… but, man, I love it. I don’t care what you say, we are in love – I know it’s 20 some-odd years younger than me, but we are in love I tell you! We could get married. We could! Age ain’t nothing but a number, and we’re in love… with each other! No, I dunno, I mean, it makes me feel good about myself – is that so wrong? Why are you so prejudiced? You can’t fight the feeling. You keep stifling us like this and I swear I steal away with it and elope. Don’t test my feelings, this is real.

For grins, some of the best search queries from my referral statistics. I’ve done this before, and the explanation is the same – these are words/phrases that people typed into search engines for which my blog was returned. They are naturally funny, so I don’t feel the need to dress them up with additional commentary. Enjoy.

www. ass massage
bathtub meth recipes
alaskan whore house
depressed lonely college blog
bipolar husband and infidelity
monkey riding an ostrich
self hogtie story
dudes saggin balls
swallowing my hot pants
ass wiping techniques
Molly Hatchet naked
“I know you have to pee” dick boy

Molly Hatchet is a band. People want to see anything naked I guess. If they were clued in, they’d really be looking for that homemade porno Molly Hatchet shot on her honeymoon with Jethro Tull. You get my joke? You get it?

Dave out.

Also written on this day...

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