finance my backyard with CDs

National still-bustin' day.
Short entry today, I spent last night working on a new project. Without writing much about it, you can read it all at the project’s very own webpage here. If things go well, and I can keep up any kind of pace – I might be able to finance my backyard with CDs. Who knows.

We’re going down to Chowchilla this weekend for Easter. To hang out with Anthony’s family and do an Italian Easter dinner. His folks own and operate a farm down there, and there should be plenty of fun stuff to do. My list includes shooting some guns, driving a tractor, and doing some four-wheeling. Should be a redneck good time. I’m just happy to be doing something for the holiday. Maybe we can visit where all the kids got buried.

It also looks like we may be doing some pre-summer hiking and camping the weekend after this one. My folks are going to Yosemite for their wedding anniversary, and asked Sharaun and I to come down and see the one day while they’re there. I asked the guys if they’d be interested in some freezing cold camping and maybe a short day hike or something. I was surprised when everyone was game, so it seems like we’ll be going down early Saturday and staying over through Sunday. We should have a little time to spend with the parents and then maybe do a hike to the top of vernal or something. Should be fun. I’m really looking forward to some camping, even if it will be 30 degrees out.

That’s really it guys, I burned myself out working on the MP3 page and now I’m spent. Dave out.

Also written on this day...

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