about nothing really

The skies over Mississippi threaten rain. Across the whole of the southeast, for that matter, swollen clouds are stretched thin.

The prospect of a day trapped the RV taking refuge from mother nature sits very differently with Sharaun vs. with me. She’s gotta move, even if it’s just walk loops around the campground. And while I enjoy walking just fine, a day stuck inside playing games as a family, watching a movie, maybe making some sort of chowder, reading, etc., is something I love.

She’s over at the campground showers. We’re planning on driving into Biloxi today so I spent the morning doing all the road-readiness chores. If we’re just leaving the site for a day I’ll usually do a less thorough job, but since it’s going to be raining tomorrow and I don’t want to be outside breaking down in the weather I’ve gone ahead and done it proper:

Putting the bikes back up on the rack and securing them with the bungees and tie-down and lock; emptying the ashes from, cleaning, and stowing the charcoal grill after last night’s hamburgers; folding up the camp chairs; taking down the American flag; making the master bed and putting the solar panel and guitar and ukulele and big box full of school books on top; unplugging and tucking away our tiny Christmas tree; unhooking from water and shore power; washing up and putting away the dishes.

It’s a bit of work, living in a tiny space. Lots to move around, back and forth, to utilize space in different ways. Honestly, though, I like the routine of it. Before you can do A, you must do B, C, and D. After A, reverse it back to how it was by undoing D, then C, then B. It’s clean and almost military in protocol – perfect for my logical, stepwise mind. Work, sure, but the effort is super manageable – and the time to do it is both predictable and short. I can have the thing ready to roll in well under half an hour.

And into town we go, ahead of the rains if we’re lucky. Until next time.

Also written on this day...

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