awfully bored humans

Good day with family today.  We drove an hour or so away to spend the morning exploring huge man-made indoor winter.

The effort and energy required to produce a thing of such frivolity is a wonder.  It was all of 9° in that place; they gave each person a full-body parka like the kind the guys working the freezer cases at Costco wear.  They kept it that way with a mazework of overhead ducting, each two feet round and heavily insulated, each blowing massive volumes of frigid air.

Turning a huge convention center auditorium into a walk-in freezer is something to marvel at.  Humans must become awful bored to dream up such exotic ways to entertain themselves.  Here in the tropical south we tromped around in real snow and poor Cohen came home with bright red chapped cheeks and chin.  Nice way to make a little money for someone, I suppose.

The rest of the week is spoken for and yet we have much still we’d like to do.  The usual running around and meeting with friends will come after Christmas and the wind-down of Sunday and then the wind-up-again of Disney on Monday.  I’d also like to get a good amount of do-nothing time in while we’re here: hanging with the family, watching the kids play with their presents, drinking beer with the father-in-law – those kinds of things.  I can make it happen.


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