halloween dashed

Monday.  Almost didn’t write.  Fired this off around 11pm when I realized I had one thing to write about and that Sharaun made a neat video.

Here’s the one thing: Wouldn’t be the run-up to Halloween if there wasn’t some catastrophe with our stupid-complicated house and yard decorations.

In the past it’s been vandals, poor workmanship, and storms.

This year storms struck again.  A two-day rainstorm with freak winds strong enough to wreak havoc on the props.  The witch tore her moorings to the fascia and dropped to the driveway below.  The mausoleum blew over and couldn’t be set right without falling apart at its shoddily nailed joints.  On its way over it took out two of the homemade tombstones.  It was a mess to wake up to.  I’m not sure I can make all the repairs before Friday’s party… it’ll be  race at best.

Here’s the video:


Also written on this day...

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