happy thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving y’allz! We woke up early today, and spent the morning waiting around for the cast of Sesame Street to show up on the Macy’s parade (for Keaton, you know). After that, Sharaun and I took Keaton down to play on the little playground near here, and we kicked back family-style and watched a movie while she took her afternoon nap. And now, we’ve just finished our early-afternoon repast. Paying homage to the escapists whom we credit with kicking off the grand tradition. Turkey and dressing, with sweet berry-relish things should your tastes run that way (most most definitely do not). Sweet-potatoes and green beans. Fresh bread and gravy atop it all. And that’s not even dessert. Yeah, it was a good meal.

Oh, and, I wrote a whole lot about buying a new iPod… but I decided to make that an entry of its own. You can read it here (or just below), and that way we keep this entry nice and simple. Y’know, stick to a theme…

Happy Thanksgiving friends!

Also written on this day...

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