that’s a big little hole

C'mon band, you can do it...
Wanna bet me that I’m not sitting at the computer at Midnight on Monday listening to Depeche Mode’s classic, Black Celebration? Go ahead, bet me, you’ll surely lose. Wait… midnight Monday is 12am Tuesday, not 12am Sunday, right? Sometimes I think I should know more things. But, now it’s Tuesday night, and Tuesday night is baby class. Tonight we watched the live birth video. I think it scared the shit out of Sharaun. The woman on the tape was doing it without drugs, and was pretty vocal about the pain. There were plenty of “I can’t do this”-es and wailing moans. It’s pretty real when you actually see a woman laboring through it – I think I’d be scared too… when they zoomed in on that little head crowning… man that little hole gets big…

Honestly, people… effing work is getting on my nerves. I could seriously, seriously, care less about it right now. Sure, flip back to yesterday to read more of the same, and the week before that, and likely again before this week’s out. I think I just want this baby to be here. I can’t even explain how often I wonder what she’s going to look like, what kind of Sharaun/Me combination she’ll be. Will she have Sharaun’s flat nose, or my big bubly one? My lack of chin, or Sharaun’s little round one? Will she be tall, short, chubby, have blue eyes, blond hair? Will she beat the doctors’ predictions and come out with a wiener and scrot? I just want to see her, hold her. It’s actually frustrating as hell… having to wait this last month, it’s like one long Christmas Eve when you’re seven years old and have petitioned Santa for months for the Ewok Village. You can almost feel yourself playing with the Ewoks, moving them around the deck strung up under the canopy of trees; almost see the Speeder Bikes whiz by. That’s what it’s like waiting for you, Keaton. This last month is my Christmas Eve and you’re my Ewok Village.

I love this contest over at Gorilla vs. Bear, where the author asks readers to name their top three “most anticipated” albums of 2006. What a great idea, and it got me thinking. Apparently, I’m not unlike most GvB readers, since my list lines up pretty well with what others are saying: 1) The Arcade Fire, 2) Radiohead, 3) Built to Spill. Yeah, #3 is less anticipated than the 1st two, which actually I’m salivating over already – but it’s still plenty anticipated. The Arcade Fire have so much to live up to, I honestly wonder if they can pull it off. Sophomore albums always end up under a microscope… and the one pointed at the Fire’s effort is gonna be Hubble caliber. Good luck my Canuck heartthrobs, good luck.

A short entry, but an entry nonetheless. Goodnight folks.

Also written on this day...

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