something new

Rambling fancy around the globe.
I’m going to try something new today, something I think may be fun and help alleviate “bloggers block” in times of trouble (which, thankfully, has not been a problem lately). I’ll call it “one liners,” and entries of this kind will get their own little category in the sidebar. Hopefully, this’ll be something quick and dirty I can do when time is tight and/or I don’t care to write. Today, however, is neither of those – but I had to kick it off somehow.

I’ve decided to grow a beard, at least until I get tired of it or get enough criticism about it.

Right now I feel anxious, nervous, and restless. Not for me, for my brother.

I can’t help smiling every time I see my wife’s big fat belly.

7pm and I haven’t yet begun to pack; it’s because I don’t want to go.

I feel guilty leaving Sharaun alone for another week of travel.

Our refrigerator broke this week, and we’re currently storing all our perishables in a cooler full of ice on the back porch.

I’ve not yet bought anything for my wife for Christmas, and am afraid I won’t have time enough to get her something meaningful.

9pm and I’m completely packed and ready to go; it’s because I have to.

Well, that’s it; the new thang. I can’t really claim it’s 100% original, as I stole the general idea from largehearted boy’s “shorties.”

Goodnight and, until India, goodbye.

Also written on this day...

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