Shanghai: Day Two.
Day two in Shanghai dawned early with an 8:30am report-time target at the local office. An uneventful night previous gave me some good sleep. Traffic was terrible, didn’t make it to the building until 9am. Bullshat for a good hour, had an hour meeting, and then adjourned for lunch and a team “offsite” event. Kart racing and KTV (if you haven’t read my Taiwan entries, KTV = karaoke). So, all in all, I put in a good solid hour of honest work. Not too impressive, I know. Several hours, beers, and Dunhills later – I decided to call it an early evening around midnight. Weaved my way back to the apartment with Tony and hit the sack. Had left my computer at work so didn’t get a chance to write, a shame too – as I was in a good mood and can kinda remember wanting to write about something. Downed copious amounts of water (magic hangover repellent) and sucked a throat lozenge (magic smokeover repellent), wish they had a brush for your lungs so they wouldn’t feel like a midget was using your chest for a trampoline all night.
Via BoingBoing, my lord I am obsessed with this site; spent a good hour or more just poking around it the other day. I guess mostly because it reminds me so much of some of our old haunts from my growin’ up days: Rinker, Astro, etc. You can’t help but look at pictures like this one and actually feel sixteen again. I really wish we’d taken movies/pictures at Rinker, or the Pits, the Tracks, Skyview, the Clearing, etc. Ahh.. the good ol’ days… places from your youth just sound cool. The Clearing? Damn that’s smooth!
The apartment is nice, but I don’t think my bed could be more uncomfortable were it made of nails or broken glass. Seriously, it’s a mattress – but it’s more like what we call a boxspring in America. I wonder if it really is just a boxspring, but no – there is some semblance of padding there. Seriously, it’s like sleeping on a damn piece of plywood – carpet would be preferable, but there’s no carpet. So I fold up the comforter and sleep on it, it’s better than nothing. It really is like a frat house, people shuffling in at 5am, a cloud of atomized liquor wafting around them, filling the room with the scent of gin. Waking to find folks asleep on the couch, fully clothed, shoes and all. Yeah we really got it all: Maxim Swimsuit DVDs atop the TV; piss on the toilet seat; pubes on the soap; the definition of a bachelor pad… but with only 1/3 of the population actually qualified for the moniker.
Patchwork entry, sorry; at least I’m writing. -Out.
Also written on this day...
- evolving - 2018
- just some new pictures - 2010
- fathering gold - 2007
- champagne and scallops - 2006
- i hate 80s cover bands - 2004
- kiling ants - 2003