From:                     Dave

Sent:                      Monday, October 13, 2003 2:31 PM

To:                         yo momma

Subject:                 Halloween Bash '03


Importance:           Low


Whatup Yallz,


I am taking this opportunity to invite you all to a Halloween party at our crib.  Since Halloween is on a Friday this year, it's the perfect opportunity for a bender.  Stop on by for costumed fun including (but not limited to):


- crates of beer (and girly stuff too)

- fog machines

- strobe lights

- black lights

- "Everclear Apple Bobbin'" (OK, not really… but that would be crazy)

- rockin' good time


You guys know I love Halloween, so the party will kick-off after the trick-or-treaters have been thoroughly terrified and I've moved my props indoors.  I'm thinking somewhere between 9:30pm and 10pm would be a good time to roll up in your hearse, but you can come early if ya wanna help hand out candy or something.  As I said, manly-beverages will be on-the-house, as will some snacks.  Attention ballers: If you want some special beverage, please cart it with you (there will be no Cristal in the fridge).


As this is a valid costume-wearing occasion, you are strongly encouraged to come festooned in full Halloween regalia.  We will not turn you away should you decide to wuss out and not dress up, but we will be sorely disappointed.  No restrictions will be placed on male costumes.  Female costumes, however, are limited to the following choices:


Wonder Woman, Princess Leia, The Chick from Alias, Cat Woman, She Ra, Halle Berry, Natalie Portman (Star Wars era preferred), Mary Kate and/or Ashley (15+ years era only please), Saucy French Maid (not saucy? stay home.), Daisy Duke (or Fuentes), "Wholesome" Mormon Lass, or Winnie from The Wonder Years.


Cancel your previous engagements and plan to attend the only party that really matters.  You are welcome to bring your significant others, and/or non-unruly friend (would that be a "ruly" friend?).  Either way, we hope to see you there!


For the uninitiated, here's my place: <edited for the WWW>


I'll send out a reminder as the date approaches, but this should at least plant the seed and get people thankin' 'bout they plans.  Dave out.