Friday the sun was out and shining in Northern California. Oh and I was enticed… started thinking Spring and Summer thoughts: barbecues, camping, hiking, swimming… I was enticed to be sure. Even the trees agreed with me, as some are sporting premature pink and white buds as if the weather really were changing.
Saturday the blessed weather held. Sharaun had a New Kids on the Block fan “meetup” in the city, and so Keaton and (no, wait… you’re still thinking about that bit before the comma, right? Yeah, a New Kids on the Block fan “meetup”) so Keaton and I had the morning to ourselves. Me with designs on heading to the gym later, and her with plenty of energy to expend, I decided on a course of action which would take care of both and afford us a chance to enjoy the unseasonably nice weather.
I hitched the kiddie trailer on the bike and trekked to the local park where we met friends for playtime in the warmth. Others shared our idea, and Spring-enthusiasm, and the place was packed. The smell of charcoal filled the air as folks grilled hot dogs and burgers, the premature pink and white buds of humankind I guess. Keaton ran around with her compatriot Jake, swinging, climbing, and running around the bases on the baseball field; was a great time.
Sunday the cold and rain returned. It’s good, really, we need the rain something awful. Against my Spring fever, I do hope it sticks around for a while and fills up the Sierra lakes and streams which so badly wont for it.
All the rain, and a dosing of fertilizer, has nearly re-greened my lawn to good-neighbor standards. It’s also got the weeds in full-season, choking out any area where the grass isn’t thick enough to fight them off. I wrote briefly before about how I was considering a lawn service, and I think I’m even closer now to making that decision: I want a lawn service. I want to pay someone my hard-earned money to come in and make the place beatiful. Or… do I? Man, this is a tough one.
Anyway, it was a good weekend; for both the sunshine and rain. Let’s see where the week goes, shall we?
Also written on this day...
- a fundamental misalignment of world-view - 2011
- egorgasm - 2006
- high on betel - 2005
- skipping class - 2004
What’d I say, Dave? No lawn service. Maid. Get a maid.